8 Ways to Enhance Photos With Digital Wizardry

Imagery is a powerful way to communicate your message. In fact, content with relevant imagery gets 94% more views.

With most graphics programs offering a range of tools, it is easy to make simple edits. Brightness and contrast are self explanatory, while levels and curves can offer more control.

Removing objects in a photograph is an easy task for anyone with a decent graphics program and some patience. The clone tool can be used to remove a power line or tree from a landscape shot for example.

1. Blur

Many digital editing software programs offer tools to sharpen photos, however, some blurs are simply unavoidable. Sometimes it is better to accept the blur as part of the image’s character and instead focus on the creative idea, composition, or emotion you want to convey with your photo.

Some photographers use blur intentionally to create a unique effect. One popular technique is to use bokeh, which involves using a large aperture setting and creating a blurred background. Another way to create a blurred effect is by using a movement-based technique such as tunnel photography.

You can also enhance a blurry photo by cloning out distractions. For example, if your landscape shot is marred by an electricity pylon, you can use the clone tool to copy over a part of the scene that is free of the pylon.

2. Tint

Color tinting can add a distinct visual impact to your images. The tint effect can be used to evoke specific emotions, accentuate an image’s style or communicate your ideal creative vision.

To use the tint effect, create a duplicate layer of your original image. Select the “Create a new fill or adjustment layer” button, which looks like a half-filled circle, below your Layers panel.

Select a solid color in the Color Picker window and apply it to your duplicate layer. Then, adjust the opacity of the adjustment layer to fine-tune the intensity of your tint effect. You can also experiment with different blending modes to see how they affect your edited photo. Once you’ve finished, evaluate the final result by comparing it to the original image. If necessary, make further adjustments to the tint effect and/or opacity of the adjustment layer.

3. Hue

Color can make or break a great image. Lively colors can take a boring photograph and turn it into an image that really pops. On the other hand, even the most fabulous photograph can be ruined by dull or washed-out colors.

Understanding the difference between hue, value and saturation is critical to getting the most out of your digital photos. Hue is the specific wavelength range (or color family) of a particular color, determined by the dominant wavelength measured by a color device. It is not the same as a color’s undertone, which can often be very subjective.

When a hue is combined with white or black it becomes a tint or shade, such as green, yellow or blue. When mixed with grey it becomes a tone such as beige or salmon. This is sometimes called chroma or saturation.

4. Brightness

Brightness is the perceived intensity of light emitted from a display device. It can affect visual comfort and battery life depending on the lighting conditions of the environment. Brightness is subjective and differs between people.

Increasing brightness can make your pictures look brighter and more appealing. It can also help improve clarity and highlight details. Brightening an image can also reduce eye strain during extended screen time and improve overall eye health.

Whether you are using a digital photo editing software or simply taking pictures with your smartphone, it is important to know how to brighten photos. This is because it helps create an engaging and attractive image that draws in viewers. Moreover, it can help you save time and effort because you do not have to spend hours on editing your photos manually.

5. Text

There’s a reason they say “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Imagery is an integral part of effective communication—whether you’re trying to convey your brand’s value proposition, communicate your message through visual content or simply grab the attention of your audience.

Sometimes, however, you’ll want your image to be a little less noticeable so that other elements, such as text or another photo, can stand out more prominently. This is where screens (also known as overlays) come in. Screens are transparent blocks of color that you can place over your images and adjust the opacity to determine how much of your image will show through.

Some apps have pre-formatted text combinations that make this process even easier. For example, Canva offers a selection of fonts, different alignment options and text sizes.

6. Shadows

Using shadows creatively in images can help add a unique visual element to the photo and enhance its overall aesthetics. It can also create a sense of drama and moodiness.

For instance, shadows can be used to accentuate a subject’s features or to create a frame for an image. These shadow effects are especially useful in black-and-white photos, as they can increase contrast and draw attention to specific areas of the image.

Another use of shadows is to create a sense of depth and realism in photographs. This is often done by adding or enhancing existing shadows that have naturally been captured during the photoshoot.

7. Clipping Path

Clipping Path is a type of closed vector path that isolates an image’s subject from its background and allows future manipulation of only that content. This essential photo editing technique offers versatility for a wide variety of creative applications, including e-commerce websites, design studios, fashion brands, and more.

The process begins with tracing the subject’s edges using a digital pen tool that offers precision and control. Then, the path is edited manually to ensure all details are captured and a high-quality result is achieved. The resulting ‘cut-out’ can then be moved to any preferred background or incorporated into other elements to create a more aesthetically pleasing visual.

8. Auto Enhance

Many programs now include a function called “auto enhance.” It’s usually a clickable button that alters various aspects of your image. Often, it can improve the quality of your photo in a few seconds. If you’re eager to elevate your photography game effortlessly, Wanderlust Portraits offers a professional touch to enhance your images, providing a seamless way to transform your captures into captivating visual stories.

For example, if your landscape shot has a power line or electricity pylon in it that spoils the view, you can use a tool to clone out the object and replace it with something more pleasing. This was once a job for a professional but is now available to anyone with a graphics program.

Other tools for improving photos quickly include brightness, contrast, and levels and curves. You can also make dull colors pop with saturation and vibrance controls. You can even reduce distracting digital noise. All these tools can save you time by providing a great starting point for further editing.